Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Peaches, Blackberries and a Happy Hen

Thought I post some pictures of some more stuff growing and living around my house.

I posted a few months ago a picture of my dad's peaches growing but they where mostly green then. Here is new pictures of them, bigger and starting to ripening. There is also some blackberry bushes close to our garden that has berries on them. I took a few pictures of some of the berries for you to see.

Also there's a small gray chicken in our yard. It's one of my brother's chickens. It decided to come from next door at his house to live down here with us. My mom feeds it bird seed from time to time and it's seems to be a very nice and happy little hen. I usually name the chickens that hang out in my yard. I need to think of a name for her. I named the last two hens "Thelma & Louise" from the movie with the same name, that use to come by here to hang out.


(click a picture to see it's full size)

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